
Developed by ScentStory under license of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 24 the Fragrance is inspired by Jack Bauer and the award-winning TV show. The man behind 24 the Fragrance is strong and robust tough yet sensitive with incredible self-assurance. The distinguished scent of 24 the frag...
Developed by ScentStory under license of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 24 the Fragrance is inspired by Jack Bauer and the award-winning TV show. The man behind 24 the Fragrance is strong and robust tough yet sensitive with incredible self-assurance. The distinguished scent of 24 the frag...
Gossip Girl was a great TV series and it produced a lot of great television moments over the years. It has also produced a line of fragrances one of which is Gossip Girl Spotted! by ScentStory.Designed For WomenThis product is the original authentic name brand and NOT a knockoff or imitation.

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