MP3 & MP4 Players

FM radio & voice recorder Plays MP3 & WMA files Built-in USB with removable cap Reverse alphanumeric Built-in rechargeable battery Manages content with included software Includes earbuds & removable sport clip
1.8" LCD screen 8GB flash memory PLL digital FM radio Supports MP3 WMA & WAV music formats Supports JPEG & BMP images Supports AMV video format ID3 lyric display Built-in voice recording & microphone Electronic volume control Built-in speaker Built-in expandable memory card slot Built...
2.8" full-color touch TFT display 8GB built-in flash memory MP3 WMA (non-DRM) WAV & AMV playback JPEG & BMP digital photos Preset EQ: rock pop jazz classical normal & bass Digital volume control Built-in microphone Voice recording Digital PLL FM radio microSD(TM) Card reader Micro U...

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